Friday, June 12, 2009

Love is in the Air

Updates on GZ peeps in regards to la-la-la-la-love.

Ms. Melissa Kuhlmann and Mr. Tom Gordon are now Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Melissa Gordon as of May 23rd of this fine year. They were married in Oxford, OH on the Kuhlmann farm and Chris, Gene, Clara and yours truly were there to witness their nuptials. Welcome to the Married Life, dear friends!

And, speaking of dear friends getting hitched ... Ms. Lisa Wilson and Mr. Dave McCaul are now engaged to be married as of yesterday. Lisa just gave me a call to tell me and I am extremely happy and excited for them.


Anonymous said...

Wow look at those grey streaks! Thanks for posting this announcement!

me said...

YAY! Congratulations to all of the above-mentioned fabulous people!